Reflectors & Repetition

A letter I wrote after a conversation with a dear friend who is a Reflector. It is a reminder to all Reflectors, including myself.

It may seem to others that you are a broken record.

That you’ve said the same thing over and over again. 

It may occur to them that nothing new is happening in your life while in your world things are monumentally different.  They are nuanced, subtle and ever-changing.

But most people are not as sensitive as you are, my dear.

Think of it this way…

When you drive the same route regularly, you may start to tune out the details and only know the familiar parts of the route.  

When you watch a plant growing over the course of a season you may notice the big changes in it, but most probably aren’t paying enough attention to see the daily shifts of this profound occurrence. 

You are the only one who has front row seats to your life in the way that you do.

Quit trying to convince others of your growth, of your shifts, of the way you see the world.

Just be it.

Live in the magic.

See and delight in the beauty you see.

Those who want to grow with you, that desire to experience the magic of the world through your eyes will stick around and lean in with wonder to listen to your process and wisdom with awe.

You are never repeating yourself.  

Every day, you are changing, shifting with the moon.

Every day, you are something slightly different.

Every moment has never been before and will never be again, even in the moments that seem all too familiar, those are brand new too.

You just have to be curious. 

New perspectives will reveal themselves.

Additional information will find you.

Pieces of the puzzle illuminated in perfect timing.  No sooner. Even though you wish of them, long for the full understanding, and desire your process was more “appropriate” for these fast paced times.  

The pace of your timing is foreign to most, an incomprehensible inconvenience.

And I’m sure it’s felt that way for you more times than you can count.

Deconditioning the feeling of inconvenience will take some time, and honoring your pace becomes normal when you choose to accept and appreciate how delicious the process really is.


Projectors: On Waiting for the Invitation


A reminder to my dissapointment