Projectors: On Waiting for the Invitation

Dear Projectors,

Is the door open or is it closed?

Is this person available for your perspective or are they clearly not about it?

Are they ready to receive what you’re about to reveal?


Take a moment to check this out.

Are you bulldozing over something because the lack of availability is SO confronting that some part of you attempts to override the discomfort, only to feed into the self-fulfilling prophecy that is you being ignored, never enough, invisible, drained, burnt out?


I don’t wish this for you.

Your energy is PRECIOUS. 

It’s potent AF.

We NEED you to start seeing how truly precious your energy, all you give, all you see is.

How important.

How vital.

How key your thriving is to the great tapestry of this planet.

I don’t say this to pressure you. 

I share this to illuminate who you are from a different light than the one you may have been viewing yourself in.

The world I see for you is one where you feel seen for the brilliance of who you are.

You are known for your gifts, your genius, your skill, and perspective.

Life shows up for you in abundance.

You are supported beyond your wildest dreams.

Your success is success for everyone who exists in your ecosystem.

A ripple effect of energy flowing and thriving.

Go find a Projector who is successful* in whatever they do and you will most definitely see the radical impact of their offerings. 

*success is subjective 


Are you trying to ‘sell’ yourself on a thought?


Reflectors & Repetition